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Integrating SMS and FDM: Elevating Aviation Safety to New Heights

In the fast-evolving aviation industry, safety is paramount. As airlines navigate through various operational challenges, ensuring the highest standards of safety is non-negotiable. At Scaled Analytics, we understand this imperative, which is why we’ve developed an...

Interesting Parallels: Flight Data Monitoring and Online Product Reviews

A Holiday Insight into Data and Reviews   Over the holidays, I found myself sitting at my laptop, sifting through endless online product reviews for a much-needed coffee maker. Amidst this, a curious thought struck me: the process of analyzing these reviews is...

Runway Overruns and Flight Data Monitoring: Another Approach?

Sorry for the bad pun, but at Scaled Analytics, we have been taking a different look at how our customers can reduce the risk of runway overruns through the use of their Flight Data Monitoring programs.   Despite the industry’s best efforts, Runway Overruns, or...

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